
Graduate Program in Mathematics Education – PPGEDUMAT

Institute of Mathematics

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – Campo Grande


The Graduate Program in Mathematics Education (PPGEduMat), the first kind of this program in the Central-West region of Brazil, initiated the Master’s degree in 2007 and the Doctoral degree in 2015.

The Mathematics Education Perspectives Journal (Revista Perspectivas da Educação Matemática) is a quarterly publication held by the PPGEduMat and it is available at seer.ufms.br/índex.php/pedmat

The main objective of the PPGEduMat is the formation and development of professionals to handle teaching and research activities in the Mathematics Education, Pedagogy or other related areas. In order to achieve this, three major specific objectives in the program are highlighted :

  1. I) Train professionals to subsidize – quantitatively and qualitatively – the higher education expansion in the Mathematics Education area, by developing a solid and comprehensive view of didactic tools and Mathematics Education and enabling these professionals to articulate this knowledge with the teaching practice.
  2. II) Estimulate the scientific production in the Mathematics Education area by publicatons and other ways of socializing knowledge add;

III) Prepare researchers that think about the Mathematics Education and contribute with the proposition of ways to confront the questions that are presente in the Education, specially in the Mathematics Education.

There are for research lines in the program: Teaching and Learning; Teachers Training and Curriculum; History and Philosophy of Mathematics Education; Technology and Mathematics Education.

Admission in the Program

It is importart that the candidate take a closer look at the Lattes Curriculum of the researcher he/she is insterested on being supervised by (links available in the item Corpo Docente, on this page) to analyze coherence on the subjects/objects of study between the ones that are developed in the program and the one the candidate is submiting;

Enrolling, participating and being approved in the selection process – that generally happens at the end of the second semester of the Program’s calendar – are also very important.


Selection Process


The selection process consists on two phases that are, both, eliminatory and classificatory.

  1. Dissertation writing test (that takes place in three phases distributed during on day: Assessment of Basic Education Mathematical knowledge; Didactic treatment ability of Mathematical issues and Ability to write and argue about Mathematics Education pertinent themes)
  2. Interview. Questions about the research project presented and also about the candidate’s Lattes Curriculum.



The selection process consists on three phases where the first two are, both, eliminatory and classificatory, and the last one is classificatory only.

  1. Research Project analysis.
  2. Questions about the research project presented.
  3. Lattes Curriculum analysis.


For the Selection Process enrollment, in both cases (Master and Doctor), it is required that the candidate send an e-mail to edumat.inma@ufms.br containing the follwing:

  1. Registration proof in the selection process printed from the portal posgraduacao.ufms.br
  2. Registration fee proof of payment
  3. Lattes Curriculum
  4. Research Project

For the Masters it must presente the theme or research problem, relevance and pertinence for the area of Mathematics Education, schedule of accomplishment of the proposal in 24 months in the case of the master’s degree and indication of readings made in the elaboration of the proposal.

For the Doctoral process the project must contain: introduction/justification, objectives, methodology, schedule and discussion about the feasibility of the research in 48 months and references.

  1. Commitment term, available at the Graduate Portal, filled in and signed.
  2. A Visa copy
  3. Copy of the diploma and grades history of the undergraduate course.
  4. For the Doctoral process the candidate must send a copy of the Master’s diploma or another document that proves the candidate has a Master’s degree.
  5. Proof of efficiency in the Porguese language.



The PPGEduMat offers some possibilities of scholarship, even though there are no guarantees of receiving one.

1 – PPGEduMat selection: after making public the students approved in each selection process by order of classification (ranking). The candidate must indicate if he/she is interested on the scholarship and presente the documents during the period indicated to do sol. The scholarship grant will follow the availability in each course aligned with the classification generated by the Selective Process.

2 – There is a research agency in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul called FUNDECT that grants scholarships for masters and doctorates. The methods of submission of the proposal and the details of the scholarship can be found in specific edicts for Masters and Doctoral at fundect.ledes.net.

For further information

e-mail: edumat.inma@ufms.br

phones:  +55 67 3345-7139

+55 67 3345-7146.

Best regards,

Suely Scherer

Graduate Program in Mathematics Education Coordinator